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Course Curriculum

    1. Course Introduction

    2. About this course

    3. Can You Build Your Own Home?

    4. Before we begin...

    5. Support When You Need It

    1. Creating Your Overall Budget First

    2. How Much to Spend?

    3. What to Look for When Evaluating Potential Lots

    4. Soil Report Sample

    5. Lot Selection Criteria

    6. How Much Should My Lot Cost?

    7. Open Book Build Lot Details

    8. Rural Lot with Drainage Ditch/Driveway Crossing

    9. Lot Purchase Checklist

    10. Lot Holding Cost Worksheet

    11. Homeowner's Insurance Check

    12. Septic System

    13. Water Well Installation & Cost

    14. Land Pre-Purchase: Don't Do This!

    15. Purchasing Your Lot or Land

    16. House Plan Lot Fit

    17. Expansive Soil & Your New Building Lot

    18. Test your learning

    19. Owner Builder Loans

    20. Introduction: The Owner Builder Loans Interview

    21. Common Terms with Owner Builder Loans

    22. Typical Qualifications for a Loan

    23. Financing the Lot Purchase

    24. Inspections for Loan Draws

    25. Interest Rates and When Interest is Charged

    26. Loan Processing Fees

    27. Options for Financing Your Build

    28. Construction-to-Permanent Loans

    29. What if you exceed the 12 month loan term or exceed your budget?

    30. Good Advice for Owner Builders

    1. House Plans

    2. Determining Rough Cost to Build

    3. Rule of Thumb Estimating

    4. Help with Determining Preliminary Rough Cost per Square Foot

    5. House Plan Recommendation

    6. House Plans 101: Reading Your Plans

    7. House Plans 102: Cross Sections & Key Notes

    8. Architect or Designer...Which to choose?

    9. Student Question: Floor Trusses vs. 2x12?

    10. Prefab Wall Panels vs. Stick-Built Onsite

    11. Finalize Bid Packages for Subcontractors

    12. Roofing Scopes of Work and Specifications

    13. Scopes of Work and Specifications: Video Walk Through

    14. Scopes of Work and Specifications: What are they?

    15. General Scope of Work and Specification

    16. Example of a General Scope of Work and Specification

    17. Common Mistakes by Owner Builders

    18. Bid Sheet Video Walk Through

    19. Bid Sheets: What are they?

    20. Bid Sheet, Asphalt Shingle Roof

    21. Subcontractor Information Sheet

    22. Sending out Bid Requests

    23. How Far Out From the Start Date Should You Request Bids?

    24. Making Changes Later On

    25. Test your learning

    1. Create the Bid List

    2. Test Your Learning

    1. Attorney Review of Contract

    2. Contract Review

    3. Test Your Learning

    1. Review Bids

    2. Bid Comparison Video

    3. Help! My Contractor Won't Break Down Their Bid

    4. Test Your Learning.

About this course

  • $249.00
  • 196 lessons
  • 4.5 hours of video content